
元智大學電機通訊學院英語學士班誠徵專任教師 (申請截止日:114年2月7日) 【採隨到隨審,招滿為止】/ Faculty Position Announcement

元智大學電機通訊學院英語學士班 誠徵專任教師

一、    需求職別:助理教授(含)以上之師資。

二、    名額:1位

三、    起聘日期:自114年8月1日起聘。

四、    資格條件:具備教育部承認之國內外博士學位,且具備電機、通訊或資訊領域專長,且在研究上有優秀表現,具高度教學與服務熱忱、團隊精神、能與人和諧相處,並具英語授課能力者。

五、    應徵方式:採隨到隨審方式,招滿為止。意者請備妥下列文件,於114年2月7日前以電子郵件方式提供雲端連結(須開啟下載權限) 至本案聯絡人黃瑜真小姐信箱 yujen@saturn.yzu.edu.tw

六、    電子郵件主旨註明「應徵電機通訊學院英語學士班專任教師-應徵者姓名」,應徵資料恕不接受傳真及紙本。

(1)教師資格審查資格履歷表 【請由本校人事室網頁下載表單(請點選)】。








(9)博士論文電子全文(已有教育部核發之教師證書則免) 。

(10)推薦函 2 封(推薦函可請推薦人以電子郵件寄送yujen@saturn.yzu.edu.tw)。


七、    備註:國外學歷者須另提供「國外學歷送審教師資格修業情形一覽表」及「出入境記錄」請由本校人事室網頁下載表單(請點選)。

八、    聯絡方式:

電話:+886-463-8800 分機7901 黃瑜真小姐



Faculty Position Announcement

International Bachelor Program in Electrical and Communication Engineering (ECE), Yuan Ze University, Taiwan

1. Position: Full-time faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Full Professor.

2. Number of Openings: One (1).

3. Appointment Date: August 1, 2025.

4. Required Qualifications: Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in electrical engineering, electronics, information technology, or communications engineering from a recognized domestic or international institution. Candidates should demonstrate exceptional research achievements, a strong commitment to teaching and service, a collaborative spirit, and proficiency in English.

5. Application Procedure: Applicants must prepare the following documents and submit them via email to Ms. Yujen Huang at yujen@saturn.yzu.edu.tw by February 7, 2025. The email subject line should read: “Application for Full-time Faculty Position - International Bachelor Program in ECE - [Applicant’s Name]”. Note: Submissions via fax or hard copy will not be accepted. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled.

6. Required Documents:

(1)YZU Faculty Qualification Form ([Download Here]).

(2)Application Form for New Full-time Faculty ([Download Here]).

(3)Curriculum Vitae, including a biography, educational background, a description of research agenda, and teaching experience.

(4)A scanned copy of the original Ph.D. diploma. (For foreign degrees, include a graduation certificate authenticated by the appropriate Taiwan's Embassies and Missions.)

(5)A scanned copy of the original Ph.D. transcript. (For foreign degrees, include a transcript authenticated by the appropriate Taiwan's Embassies and Missions.)

(6)A scanned copy of the original Academic Teaching Rank Accreditation Certificate issued by Taiwan's Ministry of Education (if available).

(7)A statement detailing the subjects you are qualified to teach and your proposed research directions (Refer to the program’s Compulsory & Elective Subjects List. [Download Here]).

(8)Electronic copies of full texts and a catalog of representative works (including journal and conference papers published within the last five years), along with evidence of prior research achievements.

(9)The electronic full text of your doctoral dissertation (Not required if you already hold the Academic Teaching Rank Accreditation Certificate from Taiwan’s Ministry of Education).

(10)Two recommendation letters, which can be sent directly by referees to  yujen@saturn.yzu.edu.tw.

(11)Any additional supporting materials, such as awards or patents relevant to your field.

Note: Applicants holding a foreign Ph.D. must also submit the “List of Foreign Academic Qualifications for Teacher Qualification Review” and “Entry and Exit Records.” These forms can be downloaded from Yuan Ze University’s Personnel Office website ([Download Here]).

Contact Information:

Ms. Yujen Huang

International Bachelor Program in Electrical and Communication Engineering

Email:   yujen@saturn.yzu.edu.tw

Website: https://www.ei.yzu.edu.tw/
